
Last night I had the privilege to go to the Department of Theater and Drama at NTU to share with the students there my singing experiences.

I feel happiest when hearing the students being able to sing differently and better following my suggestions. It really worked!

I am not sure how much they can remember after the three-hour workshop ’cause I did feel like I was trying to fit too much into three hours. and a lot of those concepts take time to truly sink in. anyway, if any of you from last night saw this post, feel free to leave me a message to discuss more about singing!

唱歌這件事,當然需要靠天份,但如果想突破,就需要靠許多的練習。我自己仍舊不斷努力中,或許這一輩子也都不會有完美的時刻,但在感覺到自己的進步時,it’s the most rewarding feeling in the world!

finally I want to thank my brother in DC for helping me with prepping the workshop. :D

2 comments so far

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  1. The Chinese version is better. :-)

  2. dearest Ying-ying,
    I’m so happy that you came last night! I believe everyone learned so much from you, including me of course!(我很乖耶都有寫筆記)
    I really appreciate your help. You must have spent so much time preparing those clips and 講義 blah blah blah… 你真是賞我面子耶,超級感動:)
    Don’t forget to tell Linda which day you’re going to see Mulan. I’ll be there on Fri, if you want to we can go together!

    Love, Emily