
Miscellaneous 雜想 I.

My last entry was posted on Feb 19… it’s been two months and much has happened during the 60 or so days. First my grandpa’s funeral-where white lilies lined the corridors and christians and non-christians sang hymns in one voice. It was a beautiful testimony to God’s grace and love. We are all grateful for Dong-ning church’s generosity for taking my non-Christian grandpa in and for God’s mercy in accepting grandpa in lieu of the baptism ceremony. My cousins, aunts and uncles all gathered from difference parts of the world. I thank my grandpa for bringing us together to bid our last farewell to him. Like my dad said, my grandpa may be a B+ dad but he is most definitely an A+ grandpa. (80分的父親 一百分的阿公) We all miss him dearly but were also glad that my grandparents now can be in heaven together.

Over the last two months I also did a few more performances-most of them are not open to the public so did not promote them on my site. But soon there will be public performances so please do come back and check out the dates :D

I have also been busy writing over the last couple weeks-in addition to doing commissioned writing, I also wrote my first lyrics! they are still not mature enough to be shown to other people but I am just excited that I can actually write lyrics that rhyme!

Oh and another big change in my life is that my cousin Justine is now living with me and my parents. She’s my sidekick, assistant, photographer, bodyguard, dance instructor and muse all rolled into one, so it’s not hard to imagine the FUN we been having together.

Looking ahead, there’s an audition coming up in 4 days! Wish me luck and pray for me ’cause I can use that extra faith…

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